Thursday, October 1, 2015

Be Marketable

Being marketable means that you add qualities to your life that will help benefit it. First, you have to realize that you are valuable and you cannot sell yourself short. Also, you should not settle your worth, meaning that you should add value to your life in order to be more marketable. In order to add more value to your life, you have to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Take these steps and you will see more doors open up and opportunities come your way!

Do Not Sell Yourself Short

In order to accomplish the goals you set, you must have this one value to start, and that value is CONFIDENCE. Having confidence in who you are, will show that you are reliable. It shows you are not afraid to fail and have a desire to succeed (improve/get better). Confidence and boasting (or being cocky) have a very fine line between them. Boasting about your accomplishments will not attract people in athletics, work, relationships, etc. Boasting can also mean that you are lying or making yourself to be more than you are. When you boast, it may work for the moment, but once someone sees that you do not live up to what you make yourself to be, then you will lose more than you gain in all aspects of your life. Realize that you have some value to your name. For your team, for your company, for your have to be benefited and you have to be beneficial. For example, in a relationship, you have to be in one that will benefit your life, but also having to be beneficial to your significant other. So when you are deciding on taking a job or joining a team, think about how they can benefit you and how you can benefit them. If you do not think you will get benefits from a person, do not get into a relationship with them or get out of the one you are in now. If you are not benefiting the company you work for, your job may not last too long. If you are on a team and not benefiting them, expect to be cut. If you are not benefiting your significant other, expect that relationship to have an expiration date. Do not sell yourself short!

Add Value

Sometimes adding value to your life, means subtracting some things. You have to limit distractions on your way to be more marketable. I know that drinking late Saturday night made it hard to get to church and listen to the sermon. I sat in church one day and thought, "Drinking is not fun...not fun enough for me to miss out on something that is going to add value to my life." I started to focus on doing the right things and I started to see more opportunities open up for me. I got called in to a pastor's office last year and he told me that I was going to be a guest speaker for his ministry. I got a call to be an assistant coach because the head coach heard from others about my reputation. I realized that people are watching me...that was made clear to me through other things such as being at different places in the city and people coming up to me saying that I have inspired them. People on social media will tell me that my posts on social media have helped inspired them. So my point is to keep clean...keep your social media clean, your behavior clean, and keep your attitude clean. Doing the right things will add value to your life. Values show up in different ways, it can be getting a job, a friend, a spot on a team, etc. Quality will surround you if you give quality yourself. It is hard to stop someone who does the right things and own up to their mistakes. Add value!

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Winners get out of their comfort zone, losers stay in their comfort zone. You will not win that promotion, win that championship, or win that person's heart by staying in your comfort zone. Adding value to your life means that you will have to do things that you are not comfortable with. Some people are afraid to talk in front of people, but those same people gain a desire to share their knowledge with others. In order to speak your mind, you are going to have to break your fear of speaking. If you get angry easily, you are going to have to learn how to be patient when you work for other people. Adding value is like adding muscle to your body. When you lift weights, after the workout your muscles you worked out will get sore and it will hurt. You will feel uncomfortable, but if you continue to work out, your muscles will get less and less sore. That is what adding value to your life is about, it is going to hurt at first and be uncomfortable, but get through that and it will be worth it. The more you step out of your comfort zone, the more comfortable you become!

Final Thoughts

You can always improve in some aspect of your improvement, that way more doors can open up for you. We all have faults, if you believe that you have no faults, that is your fault (I hope you get that). But you must believe in your heart that you can overcome any obstacles, even if you have to work hard and be uncomfortable. Do not let people label you, do not let people make excuses for you and more importantly, do not make excuses for yourself. Everyone has the ability to be great, but we all have to fight through or unique disadvantages. I am telling you, life is more fulfilling when you get better and overcome obstacles. You will be able to do more things and be marketable. All in all, go all out! Do not die with any regrets or think you could have done more. Think right now, "what more can I do?" Do not limit yourself, doors will open and doors will close on their own. You will never have to do more than you can handle. If too much is on your plate, prioritize and go back to the concept of benefits to help you figure out what means more to you. On your death bed, you want to be able to say, "I gave it all I had"!

Thank you for reading! Feedback and comments are encouraged!


Chris E Perez

Twitter/Periscope: @C_P_2
Instagram/Snapchat: @cperez02

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