Thursday, August 27, 2015

Experience Teaches

I believe that experience is our best teacher. Whether it is our own or somebody elses, we learn from what we do and what other people do. One way to learn is from when we lose or fail at something. Another way to learn is from winning or accomplishing a goal we set. We have to understand that we will experience bad times and we have to realize that those bad times help us appreciate it when we have good times. Everyone on this earth has made mistakes, but learning from them is what separates the average from the great. People are going to treat you poorly and greatly, you have to use your personal experience to help treat people around you in a respectful manner. When something goes good, reflect back on why it went well so you can continue to do that for future success.

Learn From Losing (Failing)

“I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan famously stated this. He is considered a winner, even though he has missed, lost, and failed many times. He has 6 NBA Championship rings and a NCAA Title. The reason why he was able to succeed, is because he took the time to figure out why he lost. He did not accept being a loser. In sports, you will lose games and you will have to accept defeat. But you cannot accept giving up or having the attitude, "Well at least we tried." Losing has been a great teacher for me. I do not like losing at all. Since I was 8 years old, I watched basketball, mainly Laker games. When they lost, I would cry after their loses. My 5th grade basketball team went 21-1, we lost in the championship game, and that was the first time I ever cried after my own defeat. People were telling me that I should be proud of being apart of a 21-1 team, but because we lost the last game of the season, it made me upset. I worked harder because of that experience of losing, because when I suffer defeat, it hurts my heart. I remember losing that game like it was yesterday, I work hard so I do not have to suffer that bad feeling again. I will suffer defeat again, but I will learn from that defeat so that I can win more than I lose. I know a lot of athletes that love being the star player more than being on a winning team. UNC Men's Basketball Coach Roy Williams stated that, he will never recruit a player that scores 30 points a game on a losing team. You have to be really selfish and inefficient if you score that many points and lose, especially in high school basketball. Do not accept being a loser and do not be content with losing. In any area in life, if you are losing, find a way to win, even if it seems hard.

Learn From Winning (Succeeding)

Having a winning mindset is what separates the average from the great. To where people that want to win will do what it takes to win, even if it seems impossible or hard. If someone beats you or someone gets a job over you because they are more qualified, you have to push yourself to win out those situations. When people get a taste of winning, they want more. They get a satisfaction that only winning or accomplishing something can give them. I have 4 championship rings, and I want to keep adding to that collection. The joy and the sense of conquering obstacles to get those championships, is the greatest feeling and the best thing I have experienced. When you are apart of a winning culture, you gain a desire to win. For coaches, give your program a winning mindset. You might not be the best team with the most talent, but do not let that bring down your expectations. Do not believe that your team is not championship material. Give them that sense of belief that they can win championships. Crazy things happen in the world of sports, upsets happen everywhere and championships are won by teams that were not expected to. In all sports, there are preseason rankings, and at the end of the season, those rankings change dramatically. It is all about having a winning mindset, once you get a taste of winning, you will start to learn how to win and develop a desire to win.

Experiencing Bad Things Will Help You Appreciate The Good Things

We all will experience bad times, some things we cannot control will happen to us that hurts us. The best thing to do is to learn from those bad times, because when good times come along, you will appreciate them and hold on to them. As the old saying goes, you do not realize what you have until it is gone. Realize that God will put you in situations that will grow you and train you when you receive a blessing of His. Some of you may have experienced bad relationships, and then God gives you a good relationship, but you mess it up. This happens because we can get bitter and assume that things will always go bad. Really mediate on what God is doing in your life. He can either be training you during a rough time so you can be grateful for when something better comes along. Or He can be giving you a blessing and wanting you to appreciate what He has done for you. If it were up to me, I would win every game I have played in and I would want everyone to treat me with respect. Because I lost, I appreciate being apart of wins. Because people treated me poorly, I appreciate the people that treat me with respect. Do not waste a good thing, always be thinking about what God is doing in your life. As you learn through experience, you will be able to tell what is good and bad. Do not be fooled twice, if something bad happened to you and you put yourself in the same position to be set up for that same failure, bad things will happen again. If you get something good, hold on to it and realize that you do not want to go down the wrong path. 

Learn From Your Own & Others Mistakes

We all should realize that no one is perfect, so we are made to experience mistakes so we do not make the same mistake again. Another great advantage we have is to learn from other people's experiences. There are people around us that make mistakes and we can observe and learn how to not make the same mistake they did. There are great people on this earth that share their experiences with others. Embrace those times and appreciate those people. They are trying to teach you something that they did not know at your age. I am glad that we are all imperfect, because it gives us a chance to create friendships based on those imperfections. Always take time to learn from your mistakes and learn from others.

Treat People Better Not Worse

Treating people badly because you believe you have been treated badly, does not help you at all. It creates a never ending dissatisfaction. You will get so caught up in the way people treat you, that you will not see a person that treats you with respect. Eventually, you will think everyone treats you badly. They can come off as the nicest person in the world, but if they say one thing that triggers your mind to something bad that happened to you, you immediately cut off that friendship or relationship. It is better to treat people the way you want to be treated. Even to the people that have treated you badly, you still are better off in treating that person the way you want to be. I get more of a motivation to treat people with respect, because it is a bad feeling to be treated poorly. Instead of dwelling on a thought or a person of treating me poorly, I rather put my time and effort into treating people the way I want to be treated. It is more healthy for your mind. It also boosts your respect level. People are respected for treating others with kindness, even though they have been wronged. If you treat others well, they will want to treat you well. They will gain a sense of gratitude towards you. If they don't, then they will not feel comfortable around you and they will not be apart of your life. The right people will be in your life because the right people are the ones that can truly help you succeed. Do not hold onto grudges, you will never know who you need in order to succeed. Create and keep good connections with people, for they may be able to help you in a positive way.

See What Works

When we accomplish something, we have to reflect on how we accomplished it. We have to look back and see what we did that got us there. When you get a good grade on a test, reflect back on how you prepared for that test and what test taking strategies work for you. This will help you continue to succeed on other tests. Just because you got a good grade on one test, does not mean you will get a good grade on the next one based on your past works. You have to continue to work hard in order to keep accomplishing good grades. When you win a game or a championship, reflect on what you did and what worked. You do not get a championship for last year's championship. You do not win games based on if you are ranked higher than the other team. If you are ranked higher, realize why, and go prove that you are the better team. In order to be credible as person who teaches from experience, you have to realize what works and what doesn't.

Thank you all for reading! Have a great rest of the week!


Chris E Perez

Twitter/Periscope: @C_P_2
IG/Snapchat: cperez02

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