Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Next Level

In whatever position we are in, whether it be in school, in work, or in athletics; getting to the next level in those areas consists of a strong mindset and a good work ethic. One of the ways we get to the next level is to work towards it at ALL times. We cannot get comfortable with where we are at, we end up miserable if we stay in the same spot. Believe you are capable of doing more than you are doing now, as long as your living, God will give you the ability to do more. Lastly, you have to work harder than what you are being paid, you have to give value in order to gain value.

Work Towards A Promotion/The Next Level

Working towards the next level is a great way to get ahead of everyone else around you. In high school, I did not go to practice or lift weights or run miles because I wanted to be a high school basketball player. I was already a high school athlete, I wanted to be a college athlete so I trained like a college athlete. I did extra work that was needed in order for me to play basketball at the next level. A lot of us have a mindset of, "If I had THAT job, or HIS life, or HER car, etc. I will be better and work harder." It does not work that way, why? Because if you asked for a better job and it was just given to you, you would find another excuse to not work hard. There is a drive and passion in all of us, that comes out when we work hard for something. If you worked hard for the job you have, you have more of a motivation to keep that job. You do not want to quit, if you quit you throw your hard work away. If you are given a job, you believe that you can quit and no harm will be done. This is why God made us more than conquerors, He gives us the things we want when we work hard for them, so we feel a blessing rewarded, rather than something we can take for granted. If you work towards the next level, you are working harder than the rest, and therefore you will gain more than the rest. I had teammates in high school that did not gain the opportunity to be a college athlete, but because I trained like a college athlete as a high school athlete, I got what I wanted because I worked for it. In the working world, work like you are the boss! And maybe one day you will become one!

Do Not Get Comfortable

Some of us, especially in the working world, get comfortable of where we are at. There are people that have been in the same job and same place for years. Two different type of people are formed through staying in one place. One is someone who really loves their job, and two is someone who keeps complaining on never getting anywhere. If you really love your job and love where you at, that is okay, as long as you are growing and becoming the best person you can be. If you keep complaining that you have been stuck in the same job for years, it is because you are not willing to grow and work at the next level. We cannot expect to get promoted if we are doing minimal work. The ones that climb to the top, are the ones that do the maximum work. Really think about the position you are in and ask yourself, "What is the next level for me?" For high school athletes, the next level can be college athletics. For high school students, the next level can be getting into college, then getting a degree, then getting a job, and then growing in your career. The main reason why we should never be comfortable and never settle, is because we always have another level we can reach, we always can do more!

Believe You Can Do More!

We can get into a mindset that, achieving greatness is just not for me. I am just meant to make it through life based on doing minimal work. We believe that we are not called to inspire people around us...I want to encourage EVERYONE, that no one is too young, old, or small to make a big difference in people's lives. God did not make me bigger than everybody else, but He did give me a big heart, He did give me a drive and passion to pursue greatness. He has given that to ALL of us, but it is our job to believe it. You do not have to pray to God to give you the ability to do more, He already gave you that ability, you just need to believe and have faith that you can do more. Pray to Him and ask what He wants you to do. Sure enough, He will answer your prayers and reveal what He has called you to do. God is willing to move you to the next level, the question is are you willing?

Work Harder Than Your Paycheck

As kids, we have a love or passion for something. We do something, not to get paid, but because it is fun to us. When a paycheck is involved, we lose love and passion for that certain something. You could have had a dream as a kid to be something, and since you did not get to be that something, you lose your drive. That is when you feel like you are working instead of living. On the other hand, people will fulfill their dreams, but once a paycheck is added to it, they lose the drive and passion and start focusing on the money. We cannot focus on money if we want bigger paychecks. We cannot say we are working if we want to pursue happiness. We have to say we are living a great life. We have to love what we do and love the people around us. Sometimes, we are going to have to work outside of our paycheck in order to get to the next level. You hear the phrases all the time, "I do not get paid to do that." "They do not pay me enough to do that." That mindset is going to keep you at the job you are at for many years. Or how about this one, "Well I am not getting paid to do this so why should I work hard?" The things you do that are outside your paycheck, that is your value. The price tag for your work ethic gets higher and higher when you do things that no one else thinks to do. Go the extra mile, take the extra time and effort to be the best person you can possibly be. Soon enough, the next level will be knocking at your door, the higher paycheck will come your way, and you will see how success and greatness works. In order to succeed and to be great, you have to think at a level that very few dare to think at.

Thank you for reading! Please share this post and offer any feedback! God bless!

Chris E Perez

Twitter/Periscope: @C_P_2
IG/Snapchat: @cperez02

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