Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hobby Into Hustle (Inspired by Eric Thomas)

For people that do not know, Eric Thomas is a motivational speaker and author that has traveled around the world to give powerful messages with energy and enthusiasm. He is from Detroit, Michigan. His inspiring story starts from being a high school dropout, to recently earning a PhD in Education Administration at Michigan State University. He premiered season 10 of Thank God It's Monday! (TGIM) two weeks ago on YouTube. I encourage you to connect with him on social media, I will provide his information at the bottom of this article.

Eric's first TGIM episode of season 10, is titled "Hobby Hustle". This episode talks about separating what your hobby is (doing something for fun and pleasure) and what your hustle is (doing something to help you become successful).

When you treat something like a hobby, you do not care if good or bad things happen. Meaning that if you play or coach a sport "just for fun", winning and losing games does not mean anything to you. That is not fair for your teammates or players that want to win and want to use their athletic ability to be successful. As a teammate, you are striving to be successful as a player and a member of your team. You want others around you to follow your example by seeing you work hard, so they can be inspired to work hard.

How can sports help me become successful in a career path that does not involve being an athlete? Well I will personally tell you that the game of basketball, the teammates I had, and most importantly the coaches I had; are paving my path towards success. There are things on the court or on the field that athletics can teach you, that the classrooms cannot. And it is vice versa, so you need to fully be a student and fully be an athlete to truly become successful.

One of the most important things I have learned is about punctuality. My coaches and my teachers, would discipline me if I was ever late to class, practice, games, meetings, etc. Being punctual falls into being respectful and trustworthy. When someone wants to meet you at a certain time, from your friend to your boss, you need to show that you respect them enough that you care and that you can be depended on.

Here is what 2-time AP National Coach of the Year, 4-time National Champion, Alabama Football Head Coach Nick Saban has to say about being on time: "Something as simple as being on time is important because it shows that you care, it shows that it's important to you. It shows that we can trust you. It's important to pay attention to detail. Know what your role is and be responsible and accountable to do it, because if you can't prove that everyday how can the other guys in the huddle trust you? They may not say it, but how can they trust you?"

Athletes, students, musicians, artists, dancers, workers, whoever you are; being on time is important, it is the first step into turning your hobby into your hustle. I am not saying that you should stop doing things just for fun and pleasure, it is healthy to have those things. Just know the difference, do not mix your hobby with someone else's hustle. If you play sports just for fun, do not get in the way of the athlete that is using his/her sport to become successful. If you are apart of a team, you are automatically apart of a hustle. You all have the goal of winning games and championships, if you do not care about winning, then quit the team you are on and play your sport on your free time.

Being successful consists of caring for others. You have to support others on their hustle, even if it is different from yours. I can help a musician strive for greatness because I can tell them the things I learned through being an athlete. A dancer can help me be successful because they can tell me their stories and experiences that are helping them become successful. There is no secret formula or scientific way to understand this concept, there are principles that EVERY person needs to follow.

You cannot shy away from being punctual, being disciplined, being unselfish, and working hard; it will all catch up to you. You may say that people get lucky, such as people being born into rich families so they do not have to work as hard. Let me tell you that money runs out and there are certain things money cannot buy. Apostle Paul writes in 1 Timothy 6:10 - "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." Money cannot buy you the ability to work hard, that is within you. If you are born into a poor family, you have no other option but to work hard and not be discouraged.

Everybody wants to be successful and everybody has the tools for success. Everyone has a different set, but everyone has a fair set. Help each other understand what it is like to be in need and what it is like to have plenty; so we can humble ourselves and be motivated. Apostle Paul went through being a prisoner in Rome, to where he had nearly nothing, nearing the point of death. After prison, he set out on his second journey to bring the gospel to the Gentile world, he started a church in the city of Philippi. The Philippians became Paul's friends and supporters for the rest of his life. The retired Roman soldiers who lived in this city, heard about him being imprisoned in Rome, so they set out to collect money to assist him. So Paul writes a letter to the Philippians and says this in Philippians 4:12-13 - "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

I know there are times or situations that you are in and you are saying, "This is just not fair." Do not believe in that because that thought will rob you from being successful. Do not be bitter of something or of someone that happen in your past or wronged you, because that will rob you from success as well. Instead you need to find motivation.

Self-motivation is the best type of motivation you have. Because it is from within you and you have the power to motivate yourself to become bigger than what you are now. If someone says you cannot do something, be motivated to prove them wrong. If your family is not living comfortably, be motivated to become successful so you can help your family get out of that bad situation. If you just love winning, be motivated to do whatever it takes to win. Once you find a strong motivation, then it is time to surround yourself with people that are strongly motivated too. You do not have to have the same motivation as the person next to you, you do not have to be on the same career path as the person next to you; you just have to surround yourself with people that have the drive and the passion to be successful in whatever they do.

I am not saying that you need to go out and do the wrong things, meaning that you are not to seek revenge, wish evil upon people, or get angry/bitter at people. In Romans 12:19-21, Paul writes - "Do not take revenge my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord. On the contrary: 'If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.' Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." It pleases God when we help those that have wronged us. God's command is to love your neighbor as yourself, and that includes your enemies. You will experience an even greater feeling when, not only do you prove to the people that said you couldn't do it wrong, but when you help them and care for them, as they need help and inspiration from you. People may not be grateful for what you have done for them, but know that God is always watching, and he stores more and more blessings into your personal account.

So all in all, strive to be successful and be influential along the way. Gain a drive and passion towards accomplishing your goals. From any situation, you can do it, you can do what God has placed in your heart to do. You can use the talents God has given you to have success and help others. Do not get caught up in doing the wrong things, instead take your faith and blessings to a higher level than ever before. To every enemy and to every friend around you, help them succeed, show them the way, and show them that the right way, is the only way.

Thank you ALL for reading, please contact me for any feedback or questions you may have. Follow Eric Thomas, as he has helped me greatly in my strive for greatness, on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube!

Eric Thomas
YouTube: etthehiphoppreacher
Instagram: @etthehiphoppreacher
Twitter: @Ericthomasbtc

Christopher Perez
Twitter: @C_P_2
Instagram: @cperez02
Facebook: Chris E Perez

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