Thursday, February 19, 2015

Embrace Your Foundation

So everything we do, are bricks of our personal foundation. A foundation can only be built if many bricks are added, and some of us want to go back in time and remove the bad bricks, but we cannot remove those bricks because the foundation will be ruined. There are things that I have done in the past that I regret, there are many mistakes I have made but I cannot remove those "bricks" out of my life. I don't want to, because my foundation is being built by God, it always has been. But now that I know that God is building my foundation, I am going to do my part in making it stronger and indestructible!

I am sure everyone is familiar with, "The Three Little Pigs" story. Two pigs build their houses of straw and sticks and the other builds his house out of bricks. Some of us grow up in a brick house, a strong foundation that is built on the power of God. Some of us grow up in a straw or stick house, a weak foundation of the lost and of the world. The world wants to tempt you with the easy way, to build your house out of sticks and straw, to have something quick and cheap, but once you build that, the world says you are on your own. If someone ruins your foundation, oh well. But what God offers is a house of bricks, a strong foundation that is hard to bring down. Of course you will still be tempted to let bad things come into the house of bricks, but if you let that temptation in, it can ruin you. Build your life like a house of bricks, it will take longer and a lot of hard work, but along with that journey, you are protected by God and given the reward of eternal life in Heaven!

Jesus says and teaches in Matthew 7:24-27 - "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash."

Some of you may believe that this life is not fair. "People have more blessings than me." "How can I serve and believe in God when other people around me don't?" "Temptation feels so good." "God has taken a lot away from me, why should I serve Him?"

God has made EVERY single human on this earth, everyone is God's creation. But not everyone is God's child, we become God's child when we are saved, born again, and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We all have a fair opportunity to seek Him and become God's child. I know that when I see a homeless man or woman on the streets, I pray to God that they find a way to Him, because with God, they can get out of that situation. No matter how poor or how messed up your life is, you can find Him because He WANTS you to seek Him.

You should not be so ashamed of your past to where you say, "Oh God I have messed up so much, there is no way I can change and expect you to save me from the bondage of the world's ways." You cannot change your past, whatever you do, good or bad, is a part of your foundation. It is up to you if you want to make those bricks, straws, or sticks. You make your good and bad past experiences bricks, by letting God build them up. If you are saved, everything you have done in the past, has led you to Jesus. So you should not want to alter your past in any way. If the world and the devil build your foundation, as easy as it was to build it, it can easily be destroyed.

We are all given a fair chance to be born again, and we are all given different experiences because God wants us to humble ourselves and be inspired by what other people go through. If you look at someone and say, "Wow they are successful." Accept that as a blessing in your life, and seek to learn from that person and be motivated to succeed. If you see someone and say, "Wow they have it bad." Accept that as a blessing in your life, and humble yourself and find a way to help them.

So do not worry or think about what you have done in the past. Do not let those thoughts keep you up at night, instead feed your mind on ideas or thoughts on how to serve God and sew into His Kingdom. The worries and fears will go away, because when you care to serve Him, He blesses your life with answered prayers. You go searching for a friend, you may not find one. But if you go searching for God, He will provide you with many friends!

We must work hard everyday and never be complacent. If we dwell on our past disappointments and accomplishments, we will not see what we need to do next. The harder we work to live a righteous life, the more powerful we become. Fully obey The Word and you will have a perfect God fully protecting and working in you, the ultimate foundation.

Thank you for reading! Any feedback and suggestions are encouraged! Any questions or prayer requests are welcomed as well!

Christopher Edward Perez
Twitter: @C_P_2
Instagram: @cperez02
Facebook: Chris E Perez

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