I believe that experience is our best teacher. Whether it is our own or somebody elses, we learn from what we do and what other people do. One way to learn is from when we lose or fail at something. Another way to learn is from winning or accomplishing a goal we set. We have to understand that we will experience bad times and we have to realize that those bad times help us appreciate it when we have good times. Everyone on this earth has made mistakes, but learning from them is what separates the average from the great. People are going to treat you poorly and greatly, you have to use your personal experience to help treat people around you in a respectful manner. When something goes good, reflect back on why it went well so you can continue to do that for future success.
Learn From Losing (Failing)
“I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan famously stated this. He is considered a winner, even though he has missed, lost, and failed many times. He has 6 NBA Championship rings and a NCAA Title. The reason why he was able to succeed, is because he took the time to figure out why he lost. He did not accept being a loser. In sports, you will lose games and you will have to accept defeat. But you cannot accept giving up or having the attitude, "Well at least we tried." Losing has been a great teacher for me. I do not like losing at all. Since I was 8 years old, I watched basketball, mainly Laker games. When they lost, I would cry after their loses. My 5th grade basketball team went 21-1, we lost in the championship game, and that was the first time I ever cried after my own defeat. People were telling me that I should be proud of being apart of a 21-1 team, but because we lost the last game of the season, it made me upset. I worked harder because of that experience of losing, because when I suffer defeat, it hurts my heart. I remember losing that game like it was yesterday, I work hard so I do not have to suffer that bad feeling again. I will suffer defeat again, but I will learn from that defeat so that I can win more than I lose. I know a lot of athletes that love being the star player more than being on a winning team. UNC Men's Basketball Coach Roy Williams stated that, he will never recruit a player that scores 30 points a game on a losing team. You have to be really selfish and inefficient if you score that many points and lose, especially in high school basketball. Do not accept being a loser and do not be content with losing. In any area in life, if you are losing, find a way to win, even if it seems hard.
Learn From Winning (Succeeding)
Having a winning mindset is what separates the average from the great. To where people that want to win will do what it takes to win, even if it seems impossible or hard. If someone beats you or someone gets a job over you because they are more qualified, you have to push yourself to win out those situations. When people get a taste of winning, they want more. They get a satisfaction that only winning or accomplishing something can give them. I have 4 championship rings, and I want to keep adding to that collection. The joy and the sense of conquering obstacles to get those championships, is the greatest feeling and the best thing I have experienced. When you are apart of a winning culture, you gain a desire to win. For coaches, give your program a winning mindset. You might not be the best team with the most talent, but do not let that bring down your expectations. Do not believe that your team is not championship material. Give them that sense of belief that they can win championships. Crazy things happen in the world of sports, upsets happen everywhere and championships are won by teams that were not expected to. In all sports, there are preseason rankings, and at the end of the season, those rankings change dramatically. It is all about having a winning mindset, once you get a taste of winning, you will start to learn how to win and develop a desire to win.
Experiencing Bad Things Will Help You Appreciate The Good Things
We all will experience bad times, some things we cannot control will happen to us that hurts us. The best thing to do is to learn from those bad times, because when good times come along, you will appreciate them and hold on to them. As the old saying goes, you do not realize what you have until it is gone. Realize that God will put you in situations that will grow you and train you when you receive a blessing of His. Some of you may have experienced bad relationships, and then God gives you a good relationship, but you mess it up. This happens because we can get bitter and assume that things will always go bad. Really mediate on what God is doing in your life. He can either be training you during a rough time so you can be grateful for when something better comes along. Or He can be giving you a blessing and wanting you to appreciate what He has done for you. If it were up to me, I would win every game I have played in and I would want everyone to treat me with respect. Because I lost, I appreciate being apart of wins. Because people treated me poorly, I appreciate the people that treat me with respect. Do not waste a good thing, always be thinking about what God is doing in your life. As you learn through experience, you will be able to tell what is good and bad. Do not be fooled twice, if something bad happened to you and you put yourself in the same position to be set up for that same failure, bad things will happen again. If you get something good, hold on to it and realize that you do not want to go down the wrong path.
Learn From Your Own & Others Mistakes
We all should realize that no one is perfect, so we are made to experience mistakes so we do not make the same mistake again. Another great advantage we have is to learn from other people's experiences. There are people around us that make mistakes and we can observe and learn how to not make the same mistake they did. There are great people on this earth that share their experiences with others. Embrace those times and appreciate those people. They are trying to teach you something that they did not know at your age. I am glad that we are all imperfect, because it gives us a chance to create friendships based on those imperfections. Always take time to learn from your mistakes and learn from others.
Treat People Better Not Worse
Treating people badly because you believe you have been treated badly, does not help you at all. It creates a never ending dissatisfaction. You will get so caught up in the way people treat you, that you will not see a person that treats you with respect. Eventually, you will think everyone treats you badly. They can come off as the nicest person in the world, but if they say one thing that triggers your mind to something bad that happened to you, you immediately cut off that friendship or relationship. It is better to treat people the way you want to be treated. Even to the people that have treated you badly, you still are better off in treating that person the way you want to be. I get more of a motivation to treat people with respect, because it is a bad feeling to be treated poorly. Instead of dwelling on a thought or a person of treating me poorly, I rather put my time and effort into treating people the way I want to be treated. It is more healthy for your mind. It also boosts your respect level. People are respected for treating others with kindness, even though they have been wronged. If you treat others well, they will want to treat you well. They will gain a sense of gratitude towards you. If they don't, then they will not feel comfortable around you and they will not be apart of your life. The right people will be in your life because the right people are the ones that can truly help you succeed. Do not hold onto grudges, you will never know who you need in order to succeed. Create and keep good connections with people, for they may be able to help you in a positive way.
See What Works
When we accomplish something, we have to reflect on how we accomplished it. We have to look back and see what we did that got us there. When you get a good grade on a test, reflect back on how you prepared for that test and what test taking strategies work for you. This will help you continue to succeed on other tests. Just because you got a good grade on one test, does not mean you will get a good grade on the next one based on your past works. You have to continue to work hard in order to keep accomplishing good grades. When you win a game or a championship, reflect on what you did and what worked. You do not get a championship for last year's championship. You do not win games based on if you are ranked higher than the other team. If you are ranked higher, realize why, and go prove that you are the better team. In order to be credible as person who teaches from experience, you have to realize what works and what doesn't.
Thank you all for reading! Have a great rest of the week!
Chris E Perez
Twitter/Periscope: @C_P_2
IG/Snapchat: cperez02
Email: cperez0116@yahoo.com
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Thursday, August 20, 2015
The Next Level
In whatever position we are in, whether it be in school, in work, or in athletics; getting to the next level in those areas consists of a strong mindset and a good work ethic. One of the ways we get to the next level is to work towards it at ALL times. We cannot get comfortable with where we are at, we end up miserable if we stay in the same spot. Believe you are capable of doing more than you are doing now, as long as your living, God will give you the ability to do more. Lastly, you have to work harder than what you are being paid, you have to give value in order to gain value.
Work Towards A Promotion/The Next Level
Working towards the next level is a great way to get ahead of everyone else around you. In high school, I did not go to practice or lift weights or run miles because I wanted to be a high school basketball player. I was already a high school athlete, I wanted to be a college athlete so I trained like a college athlete. I did extra work that was needed in order for me to play basketball at the next level. A lot of us have a mindset of, "If I had THAT job, or HIS life, or HER car, etc. I will be better and work harder." It does not work that way, why? Because if you asked for a better job and it was just given to you, you would find another excuse to not work hard. There is a drive and passion in all of us, that comes out when we work hard for something. If you worked hard for the job you have, you have more of a motivation to keep that job. You do not want to quit, if you quit you throw your hard work away. If you are given a job, you believe that you can quit and no harm will be done. This is why God made us more than conquerors, He gives us the things we want when we work hard for them, so we feel a blessing rewarded, rather than something we can take for granted. If you work towards the next level, you are working harder than the rest, and therefore you will gain more than the rest. I had teammates in high school that did not gain the opportunity to be a college athlete, but because I trained like a college athlete as a high school athlete, I got what I wanted because I worked for it. In the working world, work like you are the boss! And maybe one day you will become one!
Do Not Get Comfortable
Some of us, especially in the working world, get comfortable of where we are at. There are people that have been in the same job and same place for years. Two different type of people are formed through staying in one place. One is someone who really loves their job, and two is someone who keeps complaining on never getting anywhere. If you really love your job and love where you at, that is okay, as long as you are growing and becoming the best person you can be. If you keep complaining that you have been stuck in the same job for years, it is because you are not willing to grow and work at the next level. We cannot expect to get promoted if we are doing minimal work. The ones that climb to the top, are the ones that do the maximum work. Really think about the position you are in and ask yourself, "What is the next level for me?" For high school athletes, the next level can be college athletics. For high school students, the next level can be getting into college, then getting a degree, then getting a job, and then growing in your career. The main reason why we should never be comfortable and never settle, is because we always have another level we can reach, we always can do more!
Believe You Can Do More!
Believe You Can Do More!
We can get into a mindset that, achieving greatness is just not for me. I am just meant to make it through life based on doing minimal work. We believe that we are not called to inspire people around us...I want to encourage EVERYONE, that no one is too young, old, or small to make a big difference in people's lives. God did not make me bigger than everybody else, but He did give me a big heart, He did give me a drive and passion to pursue greatness. He has given that to ALL of us, but it is our job to believe it. You do not have to pray to God to give you the ability to do more, He already gave you that ability, you just need to believe and have faith that you can do more. Pray to Him and ask what He wants you to do. Sure enough, He will answer your prayers and reveal what He has called you to do. God is willing to move you to the next level, the question is are you willing?
Work Harder Than Your Paycheck
As kids, we have a love or passion for something. We do something, not to get paid, but because it is fun to us. When a paycheck is involved, we lose love and passion for that certain something. You could have had a dream as a kid to be something, and since you did not get to be that something, you lose your drive. That is when you feel like you are working instead of living. On the other hand, people will fulfill their dreams, but once a paycheck is added to it, they lose the drive and passion and start focusing on the money. We cannot focus on money if we want bigger paychecks. We cannot say we are working if we want to pursue happiness. We have to say we are living a great life. We have to love what we do and love the people around us. Sometimes, we are going to have to work outside of our paycheck in order to get to the next level. You hear the phrases all the time, "I do not get paid to do that." "They do not pay me enough to do that." That mindset is going to keep you at the job you are at for many years. Or how about this one, "Well I am not getting paid to do this so why should I work hard?" The things you do that are outside your paycheck, that is your value. The price tag for your work ethic gets higher and higher when you do things that no one else thinks to do. Go the extra mile, take the extra time and effort to be the best person you can possibly be. Soon enough, the next level will be knocking at your door, the higher paycheck will come your way, and you will see how success and greatness works. In order to succeed and to be great, you have to think at a level that very few dare to think at.
Thank you for reading! Please share this post and offer any feedback! God bless!
Chris E Perez
Twitter/Periscope: @C_P_2
IG/Snapchat: @cperez02
email: cperez0116@yahoo.com
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Earn Your Spot
Earn Your Spot
To earn your spot, means that you have to work hard to get that spot, and you have to continue to work hard to keep it. People sometimes gain a sense of entitlement in thinking they will not lose their spot or that they deserve to be in their spot no matter what. We also have to understand and respect others when they accomplish something and gain a spot that we want. During our lifetime, we cannot settle for mediocre if we want to earn a new spot or keep our spot. We have to keep going!
Sense of Entitlement
To have a sense of entitlement, means you are believing that you can do whatever you want and have whatever you want. This mindset does not work in any aspect of your life. There are things in life that are handed to us, and those things are called privileges. Privileges are things that can be taken away. For instance, you can qualify to get your driver's license, but if you think you can do whatever you want on the road because you have a license, the law can step in and take that privilege away. If you make a team, you cannot have a mindset of not working as hard as you did to get that spot on the team, you have to keep earning it. I see this in the dating world, that a guy will do anything to get a certain girl to be their girlfriend, and once they get that girl, they gain a sense of entitlement and self declare that, "she is mine." But that girl can easily break up with him, probably because of that attitude. It is okay to believe that a significant other is yours, but you have to constantly prove why they should be yours and prove why they are happy with you. Do not get power hungry, because nothing worth having will be handed to you, you have to take what is yours and earn it!
Respect Others For What They've Earned
People around you will get things that you want, and you can get jealous or you can complain that you deserve what they have, maybe even more than them. Realize that we all have an unique story to be told. God is the author to all of our lives and He does not write the same book twice. Some of us have to be more patient than others and some of us have a disadvantage while others have a head start towards success. But like I have mentioned, no matter how much or how little you have, you are going to have to continue to make an effort to earn your spot. Money can be taken away from the richest adult, the poorest kid can be desperate enough and motivated enough to make money to provide for his/her family that they gain success! So when you see people around you accomplishing things and gaining success, you admire what they have done and you get inspired by their work. You do not get jealous and complain that you should be where they are at. You cannot want to be somewhere or someone if you are not willing to work hard for it or work as hard as them. People have different goals and are on different paces. I have friends making millions of dollars right now that are my age and I am barely making enough money to make rent. But I know my pace is slower and takes more patience. I do see millions of dollars down my road, but I am going to have to work hard and earn it the way God wants me to earn it.
Keep Earning Your Spot
Keep earning your spot! I think this a very important mindset to have because a lot of us can get complacent or comfortable in the position we are in. In reality, being comfortable will cause your life harm, why? Because people are working hard to get where you are at. If you are around people that are expanding their comfort zone and growing towards success, and you are not keeping up and trying to stay comfortable, that will get uncomfortable for you. J.J. Watt, Houston Texans Defensive Lineman and captain, signed a huge contract a few years ago that made him one of the highest paid athletes in NFL history. The morning after, he went to the practice facility at around 4 a.m. to get a workout in. He was asked why he did this, his response was, "I have to start earning that money." A lot of athletes think that once they sign that big contract, they have enough money to take it easy and not work as hard as they used to. But being comfortable hurts them, when you are sitting comfortably at home for too long, you start to get a desire to want to do something. Being comfortable is boring, you do not earn a job position by getting it, you start earning it when you prove you belong through your works. You may get a job based on what you have done in the past, but earning your job is what you are doing now and what you will do in the future. God gives us Heaven for our eternal life but we are not entitled to it, we have to follow Gods ways and earn our spot in Heaven. Getting a job or making a team or getting into a college will get you in the door, but it will not keep you there. Earn that job, earn that spot on your team, earn that high level education. Your works in the past, your work ethic in the past, your grades in the past; mean nothing once you start that new chapter in your life. It is all about earning your spot now so you can get closer to success. And success cannot be measured, success is giving your all and enduring to the end. Never stop doing what you are called to do.
Thank you for reading! Please contact me for ideas, thoughts, requests, and prayers!
Chris E Perez
Twitter/Periscope: @C_P_2
Instagram/Snapchat: @cperez02
email: cperez0116@yahoo.com
To earn your spot, means that you have to work hard to get that spot, and you have to continue to work hard to keep it. People sometimes gain a sense of entitlement in thinking they will not lose their spot or that they deserve to be in their spot no matter what. We also have to understand and respect others when they accomplish something and gain a spot that we want. During our lifetime, we cannot settle for mediocre if we want to earn a new spot or keep our spot. We have to keep going!
Sense of Entitlement
To have a sense of entitlement, means you are believing that you can do whatever you want and have whatever you want. This mindset does not work in any aspect of your life. There are things in life that are handed to us, and those things are called privileges. Privileges are things that can be taken away. For instance, you can qualify to get your driver's license, but if you think you can do whatever you want on the road because you have a license, the law can step in and take that privilege away. If you make a team, you cannot have a mindset of not working as hard as you did to get that spot on the team, you have to keep earning it. I see this in the dating world, that a guy will do anything to get a certain girl to be their girlfriend, and once they get that girl, they gain a sense of entitlement and self declare that, "she is mine." But that girl can easily break up with him, probably because of that attitude. It is okay to believe that a significant other is yours, but you have to constantly prove why they should be yours and prove why they are happy with you. Do not get power hungry, because nothing worth having will be handed to you, you have to take what is yours and earn it!
Respect Others For What They've Earned
People around you will get things that you want, and you can get jealous or you can complain that you deserve what they have, maybe even more than them. Realize that we all have an unique story to be told. God is the author to all of our lives and He does not write the same book twice. Some of us have to be more patient than others and some of us have a disadvantage while others have a head start towards success. But like I have mentioned, no matter how much or how little you have, you are going to have to continue to make an effort to earn your spot. Money can be taken away from the richest adult, the poorest kid can be desperate enough and motivated enough to make money to provide for his/her family that they gain success! So when you see people around you accomplishing things and gaining success, you admire what they have done and you get inspired by their work. You do not get jealous and complain that you should be where they are at. You cannot want to be somewhere or someone if you are not willing to work hard for it or work as hard as them. People have different goals and are on different paces. I have friends making millions of dollars right now that are my age and I am barely making enough money to make rent. But I know my pace is slower and takes more patience. I do see millions of dollars down my road, but I am going to have to work hard and earn it the way God wants me to earn it.
Keep Earning Your Spot
Keep earning your spot! I think this a very important mindset to have because a lot of us can get complacent or comfortable in the position we are in. In reality, being comfortable will cause your life harm, why? Because people are working hard to get where you are at. If you are around people that are expanding their comfort zone and growing towards success, and you are not keeping up and trying to stay comfortable, that will get uncomfortable for you. J.J. Watt, Houston Texans Defensive Lineman and captain, signed a huge contract a few years ago that made him one of the highest paid athletes in NFL history. The morning after, he went to the practice facility at around 4 a.m. to get a workout in. He was asked why he did this, his response was, "I have to start earning that money." A lot of athletes think that once they sign that big contract, they have enough money to take it easy and not work as hard as they used to. But being comfortable hurts them, when you are sitting comfortably at home for too long, you start to get a desire to want to do something. Being comfortable is boring, you do not earn a job position by getting it, you start earning it when you prove you belong through your works. You may get a job based on what you have done in the past, but earning your job is what you are doing now and what you will do in the future. God gives us Heaven for our eternal life but we are not entitled to it, we have to follow Gods ways and earn our spot in Heaven. Getting a job or making a team or getting into a college will get you in the door, but it will not keep you there. Earn that job, earn that spot on your team, earn that high level education. Your works in the past, your work ethic in the past, your grades in the past; mean nothing once you start that new chapter in your life. It is all about earning your spot now so you can get closer to success. And success cannot be measured, success is giving your all and enduring to the end. Never stop doing what you are called to do.
Thank you for reading! Please contact me for ideas, thoughts, requests, and prayers!
Chris E Perez
Twitter/Periscope: @C_P_2
Instagram/Snapchat: @cperez02
email: cperez0116@yahoo.com
Thursday, August 6, 2015
The Art of Discipline
I strongly believe that there are three stages of discipline. All three stages are needed in order to succeed and they must go in order. The first stage of discipline is ACCEPTING DISCIPLINE, the second stage of discipline is DEVELOPING SELF-DISCIPLINE, and the third stage is TEACHING DISCIPLINE. You cannot teach discipline if you have not developed self-discipline, and you cannot develop self-discipline if you have not accepted discipline. Also, you need to have all three aspects of discipline throughout your life. You do not just stop accepting discipline or stop disciplining yourself. In fact, what makes you a credible teacher of discipline, is showing by example on how to accept it and discipline yourself. In this lifetime, we will never stop learning and we have to humble ourselves. No one is too big or no one should be too proud to accept discipline.
Accepting discipline can root from how we are as students and how we are as athletes. We have all grown up with teachers and coaches.
How we are in the classroom strongly determines how well we accept discipline. There are a lot of students that are rebellious and want to go against what the teacher asks them to do. Or they are lazy and want to find the easy way out, so they just want to pass and graduate with the minimum GPA. Those students usually have a hard time in the real world when they have to find a job. Because the more disciplined you are, the more marketable you are as a worker. People want to hire employees that accept discipline and develop self-discipline. Because then they do not have to worry about 'babysitting" them, meaning that they do have to be monitored constantly. People want to hire someone who is going to represent their company in the best way possible, no matter what position. So even though you may believe your GPA does not matter when it comes to finding a job, but if you are able to do what the teacher asks you to do and you are able to discipline yourself to get good grades, you will have the tools to be a great worker. Be teachable!
When I played basketball, since 4th grade, I had coaches that taught discipline. We always had to be on time or else we would go through a correction process that led to running or suspension of games. Off the court, we had to be good students and good people in our community. So as children, we are very impressionable and we feel lost. Children seek role models such as their parents, teachers, and coaches. As a 4th grader, I knew that I did not know as much about basketball as my coach. I had that mindset throughout my whole playing career. I accepted the coach's discipline because they were my role models. I wanted to be a great basketball player, I wanted to play in front of big crowds. I would go in my backyard or I would go to the gym and put myself in a game-winning situation at the Staples Center in the NBA Finals. I never lost sight of that, in order for me to be able to play in front of big crowds, I had to learn how to play the game and I had to do whatever it took to get there. So as a basketball player, I never went to a team to be the star player, I wanted to be on the team that wins a lot of games. It was more satisfying for me to be apart of wins, then it was for me to be scoring 30 points a game for a losing team. In order for me to be on winning teams, I had to have a winning attitude, and a winning attitude consists of accepting discipline. I did what it took, I played my role, I was patient, and I took advantage of my opportunities. A common attitude that my coaches had about me, from 4th grade to college, is that they did not have to worry about me, meaning that they knew I was going to do the right things and I was going to work hard every single day. Of course I had to go through a learning curve. I did not know what was right or wrong in 4th grade, I had to learn the team rules and sometimes it was learning them by experience. If I got yelled at or got in trouble, I did not take it the wrong way. I accepted that I did something wrong and that I would have to go through a correction process. When I got into 9th grade, I had a new coach and was apart of a new team, so it took my 9th grade year to understand what was right and wrong and go through another correctional process. Same thing went for my freshman year in college. I accepted the fact that I was going to make mistakes and that I was going to have to go through a correctional process that will motivate me to not make those mistakes again. Be coachable!
Self-discipline is strongly needed when you no longer have teachers or coaches in your life that are making you do schoolwork or making you go to practice. You develop your self-discipline as a student or an athlete, by doing more than what the teachers and coaches ask of you. Doing the bare minimum work in the classroom or in your sport, will cost you in the long run. Like I have mentioned before, you aim for an A grade, you might fall short to a B or a C. If you aim for a C, you might fall short to a D or an F. Same applies with athletics, do not let some tell you, "You will be a good division II player" and make that your ceiling. I know I would have been a good division II player but I did not settle for that. If I settled for people telling me I would be a good DII player, I may not have even played college basketball, because my work ethic would have not been as strong as it is. I pushed myself to my limits, to where I barely got onto a division I team as a walk-on, and I was very close to being cut. I was one mistake away, I did not have that much room for error, not as much as the scholarship players. But my self-discipline got me four years on a Top 25 DI basketball team. I did not do the bare minimum, I did not just accept that I was on the team, I wanted to benefit the team in the best way possible. In my position, that was tough because I did not do much on the court. When I was on the court, I played hard. Every practice, even though I was not playing, I gave my all because I wanted to help the team get better. In the classroom, not only did I want to succeed there, I wanted to help my teammates succeed in the classroom so they can be eligible to play. Self-discipline is doing more than what the teachers and coaches ask. Once you no longer have those coaches and teachers making you do schoolwork or making you go to practice, you cannot get lazy. There are so many former athletes that get out of shape because they did not develop self-discipline. I have been removed as a basketball player for over a year, and I still train and exercise constantly. Coaches do not teach you discipline so you can throw it away once you are done with them, they teach you discipline so you can use it to be successful. If you are able to accept discipline and use it for greater success, then you can teach discipline to others to help them be successful.
The best way to teach discipline, I believe, is through your actions and leading by example. As a leader, you have to follow your own rules. If a pastor preaches on tithing (giving 10% of your income to the church), he has to tithe as well to be a respectable leader. If you are a coach that wants punctuality from your players, you have to be on time as well. Teaching discipline is holding yourself and others accountable. I personally like working out with other people because they can hold me accountable if I am not doing my best. It is easy to get lazy or not work hard when you have no one around to hold you accountable. Do not worry about people that do not like you for teaching them discipline or holding them accountable. If you constantly accept discipline and have self-discipline, you are a credible discipline teacher. A lot of people do not like discipline, I have seen that in the classroom, in sports, and in church. If it is hard work, some students will find an excuse to not do the work and complain. If a coach is too hard on a player or always picks on them, that player will give an excuse that the coach does not like me. When in reality, the coach that gets on you and picks on you actually cares enough for you to get better. If I had a coach that did not get on me for making mistakes and not going hard, I would shy away from that coach. Because that coach is either too lazy or too scared to correct me. In church, if a pastor preaches on something from The Bible, that person may disregard what God says and shy away from the church. Preachers cannot please everybody, they have to teach discipline based on biblical principles. If a preacher goes away from God's Word and teaches a different belief system, then that preacher is no longer teaching discipline, not the way God wants them to teach it. Not everyone is going to accept discipline. As an educator of discipline, you may not be liked, but you will be respected. Too many people live their lives based on getting people to like them. If you live that way, you will not have a belief system to stand on. You have to believe in the right things, you have to believe in discipline, in order to teach it. You cannot teach something you do not believe in. People can tell if teachers, coaches, and pastors are believing in what they teach. If you believe in your program, if you believe that God's Word is the truth and the way to live; you will be respected as an educator, even by the people that do not like you.
Never lose sight of discipline, we all need it and we all need to teach it. I am not bitter at anyone but I do not respect people that do not discipline themselves and that do not hold me accountable. We should want to be around people that do not encourage us to do the wrong things. People around us should not let us slip up. Parents have to discipline their children, they may not like you or say they hate you, but they will love you for giving them the tools to succeed. My parents taught me discipline and I did not always like my parents. I said mean things to them and thought mean things, but if they did not have the courage to teach me discipline, I would be lost in the wrong things. Do not live your life to be liked by the wrong people, live your life to respected by the right people.
I know school is starting so I want to spend this month talking about things to get us off to a good start! Thank you for reading! Comment or message me anything such as questions or requested topics to write about!
Christopher E Perez
Facebook: Chris E Perez
Twitter/Periscope: @C_P_2
Instagram/Snapchat: @cperez02
email: cperez0116@yahoo.com
Accepting discipline can root from how we are as students and how we are as athletes. We have all grown up with teachers and coaches.
How we are in the classroom strongly determines how well we accept discipline. There are a lot of students that are rebellious and want to go against what the teacher asks them to do. Or they are lazy and want to find the easy way out, so they just want to pass and graduate with the minimum GPA. Those students usually have a hard time in the real world when they have to find a job. Because the more disciplined you are, the more marketable you are as a worker. People want to hire employees that accept discipline and develop self-discipline. Because then they do not have to worry about 'babysitting" them, meaning that they do have to be monitored constantly. People want to hire someone who is going to represent their company in the best way possible, no matter what position. So even though you may believe your GPA does not matter when it comes to finding a job, but if you are able to do what the teacher asks you to do and you are able to discipline yourself to get good grades, you will have the tools to be a great worker. Be teachable!
When I played basketball, since 4th grade, I had coaches that taught discipline. We always had to be on time or else we would go through a correction process that led to running or suspension of games. Off the court, we had to be good students and good people in our community. So as children, we are very impressionable and we feel lost. Children seek role models such as their parents, teachers, and coaches. As a 4th grader, I knew that I did not know as much about basketball as my coach. I had that mindset throughout my whole playing career. I accepted the coach's discipline because they were my role models. I wanted to be a great basketball player, I wanted to play in front of big crowds. I would go in my backyard or I would go to the gym and put myself in a game-winning situation at the Staples Center in the NBA Finals. I never lost sight of that, in order for me to be able to play in front of big crowds, I had to learn how to play the game and I had to do whatever it took to get there. So as a basketball player, I never went to a team to be the star player, I wanted to be on the team that wins a lot of games. It was more satisfying for me to be apart of wins, then it was for me to be scoring 30 points a game for a losing team. In order for me to be on winning teams, I had to have a winning attitude, and a winning attitude consists of accepting discipline. I did what it took, I played my role, I was patient, and I took advantage of my opportunities. A common attitude that my coaches had about me, from 4th grade to college, is that they did not have to worry about me, meaning that they knew I was going to do the right things and I was going to work hard every single day. Of course I had to go through a learning curve. I did not know what was right or wrong in 4th grade, I had to learn the team rules and sometimes it was learning them by experience. If I got yelled at or got in trouble, I did not take it the wrong way. I accepted that I did something wrong and that I would have to go through a correction process. When I got into 9th grade, I had a new coach and was apart of a new team, so it took my 9th grade year to understand what was right and wrong and go through another correctional process. Same thing went for my freshman year in college. I accepted the fact that I was going to make mistakes and that I was going to have to go through a correctional process that will motivate me to not make those mistakes again. Be coachable!
Self-discipline is strongly needed when you no longer have teachers or coaches in your life that are making you do schoolwork or making you go to practice. You develop your self-discipline as a student or an athlete, by doing more than what the teachers and coaches ask of you. Doing the bare minimum work in the classroom or in your sport, will cost you in the long run. Like I have mentioned before, you aim for an A grade, you might fall short to a B or a C. If you aim for a C, you might fall short to a D or an F. Same applies with athletics, do not let some tell you, "You will be a good division II player" and make that your ceiling. I know I would have been a good division II player but I did not settle for that. If I settled for people telling me I would be a good DII player, I may not have even played college basketball, because my work ethic would have not been as strong as it is. I pushed myself to my limits, to where I barely got onto a division I team as a walk-on, and I was very close to being cut. I was one mistake away, I did not have that much room for error, not as much as the scholarship players. But my self-discipline got me four years on a Top 25 DI basketball team. I did not do the bare minimum, I did not just accept that I was on the team, I wanted to benefit the team in the best way possible. In my position, that was tough because I did not do much on the court. When I was on the court, I played hard. Every practice, even though I was not playing, I gave my all because I wanted to help the team get better. In the classroom, not only did I want to succeed there, I wanted to help my teammates succeed in the classroom so they can be eligible to play. Self-discipline is doing more than what the teachers and coaches ask. Once you no longer have those coaches and teachers making you do schoolwork or making you go to practice, you cannot get lazy. There are so many former athletes that get out of shape because they did not develop self-discipline. I have been removed as a basketball player for over a year, and I still train and exercise constantly. Coaches do not teach you discipline so you can throw it away once you are done with them, they teach you discipline so you can use it to be successful. If you are able to accept discipline and use it for greater success, then you can teach discipline to others to help them be successful.
The best way to teach discipline, I believe, is through your actions and leading by example. As a leader, you have to follow your own rules. If a pastor preaches on tithing (giving 10% of your income to the church), he has to tithe as well to be a respectable leader. If you are a coach that wants punctuality from your players, you have to be on time as well. Teaching discipline is holding yourself and others accountable. I personally like working out with other people because they can hold me accountable if I am not doing my best. It is easy to get lazy or not work hard when you have no one around to hold you accountable. Do not worry about people that do not like you for teaching them discipline or holding them accountable. If you constantly accept discipline and have self-discipline, you are a credible discipline teacher. A lot of people do not like discipline, I have seen that in the classroom, in sports, and in church. If it is hard work, some students will find an excuse to not do the work and complain. If a coach is too hard on a player or always picks on them, that player will give an excuse that the coach does not like me. When in reality, the coach that gets on you and picks on you actually cares enough for you to get better. If I had a coach that did not get on me for making mistakes and not going hard, I would shy away from that coach. Because that coach is either too lazy or too scared to correct me. In church, if a pastor preaches on something from The Bible, that person may disregard what God says and shy away from the church. Preachers cannot please everybody, they have to teach discipline based on biblical principles. If a preacher goes away from God's Word and teaches a different belief system, then that preacher is no longer teaching discipline, not the way God wants them to teach it. Not everyone is going to accept discipline. As an educator of discipline, you may not be liked, but you will be respected. Too many people live their lives based on getting people to like them. If you live that way, you will not have a belief system to stand on. You have to believe in the right things, you have to believe in discipline, in order to teach it. You cannot teach something you do not believe in. People can tell if teachers, coaches, and pastors are believing in what they teach. If you believe in your program, if you believe that God's Word is the truth and the way to live; you will be respected as an educator, even by the people that do not like you.
Never lose sight of discipline, we all need it and we all need to teach it. I am not bitter at anyone but I do not respect people that do not discipline themselves and that do not hold me accountable. We should want to be around people that do not encourage us to do the wrong things. People around us should not let us slip up. Parents have to discipline their children, they may not like you or say they hate you, but they will love you for giving them the tools to succeed. My parents taught me discipline and I did not always like my parents. I said mean things to them and thought mean things, but if they did not have the courage to teach me discipline, I would be lost in the wrong things. Do not live your life to be liked by the wrong people, live your life to respected by the right people.
I know school is starting so I want to spend this month talking about things to get us off to a good start! Thank you for reading! Comment or message me anything such as questions or requested topics to write about!
Christopher E Perez
Facebook: Chris E Perez
Twitter/Periscope: @C_P_2
Instagram/Snapchat: @cperez02
email: cperez0116@yahoo.com
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