Thursday, September 11, 2014

Simple vs. Complicated (Featuring Cleveland "Pancake" Thomas & Ebony Romero)

There are so many things in our lives and in our everyday situations that are identified as being simple or being complicated. There are times we catch ourselves trying to make things easier and there are times where we can make things harder on ourselves. Both methods can be good and can be bad in various ways.

In general, we go through stressful moments mainly because we tend to look at major situations in our lives that require a lot of thinking. It involves a lot of thoughts that do not necessarily need to be there. The lives we lead require a lot of decision making, and in those moments we get caught up in thinking what is right and what is wrong.

For simple thinking, this comes when we do not want to worry about something. We want everything to just fall into place and we assume it will. Simple thinking comes to us when we do not think about the consequences or the people we will hurt. It can also be caused based on emotion, from the range of happiness to anger. We can be so happy that we do not think twice on spending money for something we do not necessarily need. We can be so angry that we yell at a friend and you end up losing a friendship you needed. There are so many ways and examples that can be used. That is why I asked two other friends to help me write this post. I wanted to change it up a bit and show you perspectives of people I strongly associate with. Cleveland "Pancake" Thomas will write about, "Right versus Wrong" and Ebony Romero will write about, "How We Handle Relationships".

Cleveland "Pancake" Thomas: Right vs. Wrong

When I think of simplicity I think of doing the right thing and when I think of complexity I think of doing the wrong thing. It's only ONE way to do the right thing and there are so many ways to do the wrong thing. Not to mention, there are a lot of consequences that come with wrong decisions.

When you do the right thing or you make the right decision, you will see that life can be more simple and worry free. Right actions will lead to great benefits, but this does not necessarily mean that these benefits will come right away. Even when we do the right things, struggles and challenges can and will come with it. The benefits come when our right decisions pay off. We all have heard that hard work pays off, and hard work consists of struggling and facing challenges. Through this process, we must not complicate or question what we are doing if it is the right way. The people that become successful or are on the path to success, see struggles and challenges as apart of the process, hence the simple way to view your right decisions.

When you do the wrong thing or you make the wrong decision, things start to get more complicated and you start to question what is happening to you. Instead of benefits, wrong actions lead to consequences. We never know who we reach out to, whether it be in a positive or a negative way. So when do something negative or wrong, it usually means the people around us are going to be impacted in a negative way. From that, you will be negatively effected too in terms of networking and getting along with those people around you. You never know who is watching, people are quick to express their opinion when they see something bad happen. So getting into the wrong situations or making the wrong decisions can leave you with more problems than you already had.

Doing the right thing makes your struggles and challenges more simple and doing the wrong thing makes your struggles and challenges more complicated.

Ebony Romero: How We Handle Relationships

I think it can be a good and bad thing to take simple things and make them complicated and vice versa.

For example, the bad thing could be taking a good relationship we have with someone and complicating our thinking about that situation. This is where we think about that situation so much that we could begin to believe it is "too good to be true", rather than just seeing what you have for what it truly is.

On the opposite side of this concept, you could be in a bad relationship with someone where there is something negative happening that you should not tolerate (cheating, lying, etc.). So rather than seeing that it is NOT a good thing, we complicate the situation by trying to justify it. You think it is something good, when it reality, it is not.

I think this could relate a lot with overseeing our common sense. We do not trust in our initial instincts and most importantly, we do not trust in God 100% for particular things we go through. We tend to praise God for the good things and blame Him for the bad. When in reality, He blesses us with bad times so the good times are better. If you blame God, you complicate things.

We can be selective at times because maybe you have fear of losing something or someone. We try to manipulate or control the situation in order to get or keep something WE want. When in reality, we cannot control other people, we can only control what we do and the people will come and go in your life respectively. The RIGHT people will stay, the WRONG people will go.

Learning to trust God COMPLETELY can be struggling and challenging but you will get benefits and blessings. We want to lean on our own understandings that eventually lead to complicating things unnecessarily. Through right and wrong, simple and complicated, we can use the power of prayer to overcome these decisions we constantly have to make in order to lead to a successful life.

Let God reveal what he already had planned.


Great perspectives from both authors. Pancake really emphasizes that it is as simple as, what is right and what is wrong. Do the right thing leads to more simple and greater times, doing the wrong thing leads to more complicated and harder times. Regardless in both ways, you are going to struggle and face challenges.

Ebony is telling you that you do not need to worry about who is in and out of your life. You will be surrounded with support and the right people, if you have good intentions with your relationships. We want to hold on to certain people for certain reasons, but if you feel you are drifting apart and not getting along, then you probably are not meant to be associated with each other for the greater good of both of you.

It is important to have a source of hope, faith, and happiness. It could be any type of source, for me and the other authors, our source is the Bible. We figure out what is right and wrong through the teaches of the Bible. We have faith in God to where even when we go through bad times, we know it is refining us and we will see the greater good. We gain so much happiness with God because He provides the people that come and go in our life. Some leave for good reason, some stay for good reason, and we know that we are never alone because God is with us.

I know there are many sources of hope, faith, and happiness. However, whatever it is, you have to believe in that source 100%, or else you area going to complicate your life when it can be so much more simple.

Thanks for reading! I enjoy everyone's contribution to this cause. I think this is something that can be productive, not only for me, but for others that want to be impacted with a different perspective. Again, these are opinions and perspectives based on our own experiences. Everyone has there own way of doing things. My friends and I are just willing to share our perspective because we never know who it could effect!

Chris Perez
Cleveland "Pancake" Thomas
Ebony Romero

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